My grandmother was a (sweet) stickler about a few things, like wearing lipstick, properly set hair, haute fashion, polished fingernails, stockings and good manners - things that rank in terms of etiquette. Things that also made her always seem so elegant, stylish and refined. Maybe one of the most lasting lessons I've taken from her is her dedication to correspondence. All through my childhood we wrote letters to one another even though we were only a short drive away, and have continued through the years as I've moved to more distant locations.
This made me similarly devoted to letters, and - help me - the stationary on which they are written. In fact, when Jacob and I married and planned our move abroad, my girlfriends (quite rightly) thought I'd probably use stationary more than serving plates and they threw me a shower just for cards and papers and envelopes and monograms and the most beautiful instruments for old fashioned communication. I still have a few left, but it's about time to re-up, so when One Kings Lane offered a special for Three Designing Women's personalized stamp and stationary, I couldn't resist...and mine came today! Yay!
It's the little things like this that make writing someone a note really fun - even if you don't love it the way I do. Everyone loves getting things in the mail, too, so it's a win-win! I think I'll write my grandmother a note today, for fun and for old times sake.
Three designing women offer self-inking stamps (like what we had personalized) as well as embossers (still want!) and they have lots of fun products (cards, bottle tags, stickers, gift tags & recipe cards) that are designed with perky colors and designs set to match the size of their stamps! What a great idea.
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